A Love Vow

This abbreviated poem was attached to a 2019 artwork titled “Our. We. You & Me.”

Love me first,
love me last,
love me now,
love me past;
Gift us time,
gift us health,
gift us wisdom,
gift us wealth;
Stay with me,
stay for free,
stay an eternity,
stay happy;
Adore your kindness,
adore your mind,
adore you madly,
adore you blind;
Keep us safe,
keep us strong,
keep me near,
keep us long”.

The original poem can be found below.

My Faith in a Benevolent Chief

Find thy ways,
find thy days,
find my art,
find thy heart;

Love me first,
love me last,
love me now,
love me past;

Gift us time,
gift us health,
gift us wisdom,
gift us wealth;

Use thy empathy,
use thy brilliance,
use they powers,
use for governance;

Own thy words,
own thy actions,
own my loyalty,
own our destiny;

Stay with me,
stay for free,
stay an eternity,
stay happy;

Adore your kindness,
adore your mind,
adore you madly,
adore you blind;

Keep us safe,
keep us strong,
keep me near,
keep us long”.

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