I have worked from home since 2007 – the early days were challenging but it got better and better each year. Whenever my business grew, I would upgrade my living spaces. It made sense to create a beautiful home I can enjoy and have sources of high quality...
Start spreading the news.. New York New York! I wanted to be a part of it.. and I did it with a brush.. We celebrated Yieldstreet’s $170M acquisition of Athena Art Finance. While I zoned out in my own world, there was a velvet rope to keep...
Whenever there are disagreements, it always has to do with ego. People find it hard to swallow their pride when being rubbed wrong. If no one is willing to give way, things will not be nice. It becomes hostile and uncertain. The passive aggressive stances muddy up...
You can always tell about a person by looking at how he/she prioritizes time. The important things come first. There are people who knows what is important to them but do not live up to their priorities. I don’t know, is that lacking fervour? Do we always have...
When a person gets too much attention, many things can change his/her personality. This is especially true if the person is not a mature adult (in other words, the person is still searching/building character). One of the worst things to happen as you build...